Why should I care about having more women software engineers?
This is probably the question I get asked the most. It’s usually not this blatant, but it’s often the motivation behind someone asking me, “Why are you starting a women’s group”? If you haven’t been the only minority on an engineering team or user group, you may not understand the feeling. Now I’m at a point in my career where I have grown some thicker skin, but at first, walking into a user group or a new office as the only woman was extremely intimidating. It usually went one of two ways: I’d be asked if I was a recruiter (side note about how terrible the whole tech recruiting process is in the next post) or I’d be instantly tested to make sure that I was a “real” developer. If I wasn't in the mood to deal with those kinds of questions and ignorance, I'd get frustrated and leave. If I had gone into NYC for a meeting and left, I'd spend the whole train ride back to New Jersey sulking. I Almost Wasn’t a Software Engineer When I finally finished ...